Night Camera was WELL worth the $0.99 when I bought it long ago. It no longer works. Dont tell me youve abandoned it. Until theres an update, youre flushing a buck down the toilet if you buy this.
Night Camera was WELL worth the $0.99 when I bought it long ago. It no longer works. Dont tell me youve abandoned it. Until theres an update, youre flushing a buck down the toilet if you buy this.
I dont like it. I think its the same as the normal camera, cuz it doesnt work. At all
I hadnt used in months, but this version seems to have addressed all the freeze up issues! Worth a second look.
Bought originally with the G/2.x and loved it. Better colour than the stock. And the stability is great. Shot speed is a little slow. Very glad that they updated it.
I am astonished at the clarity of the photos I take! It is definatly worth the money. I knew this would make the shot better but not that much. I also am amazed at how well the zoom works.
Of youre having problems with crashes to home screen or pics not saving, reboot after install and everything should work fine. This app works great.
This application is a gem! Flawless!!!
This works great for what it was designed for: taking pics in low light situations. Im confident that those who left poor reviews dont understand the purpose, nor the reasoning behind this app. Thanks for a great "hand-held tripod."
The photos it takes are the same as the photos the regular camera takes. Dont waste your money and follow the majority of the feedbacks. This is very disappointing.
Would rate this 5 except for the massive save lag. Takes way too long to get the next shot and by then often the moment has passed. Excellent for landscapes and/or portraits, but no good for action. Does the job in low light as advertised for sure. If you want sharper pics when its dark, awesome... Just expect to wait for the app to save your pic before you can take another one.
I loved this app, but unfortunately its becoming increasingly difficult to take good pictures. Delays at strange places results in lots of pictures of the floor, and frequent freezing & restarting of the phone is becoming a big annoyance.
Lots of features, would like you to add the ability to switch off the iPhone 4 camera light.
Its more then you pay for and I love it xD
How does this work? Everyones saying its good but the pictures are the same, if not worse than the camera.. Grr!
Hello, I am a user of Night Camera live in Japan. After upgrading to iPhone OS2.2, the photos taken by Night Camera ver. 1.0.1 does not save to photoroll of iPhone photo App normally. And, I found some another troubled apps which related to " Photo " of iPhone. Then, I feel its a bug of iPhone OS2.2. I like your app but now I can not use it. Please make upgrade version which take some measure for this OS-bug if possible.
The line goes out below when taking a picture by the size of 427x320. I want you to correct this early.
Want to fix blackout for the first shot, and to add preferences for firing 0.1~0,9 seconds delaynrepeat to get final revolutional 5 starsapp.
To samo co normalny aparat
No difference with built-in app.
Give back 640-480! Its the thing I use for